Fundamentals of Yoga
Did you learn yoga? or just start practicing?
Feel like you missed yoga 101?
Have you tried yoga but gave up because you feel like you’re behind or “not good”?
Need a stronger foundation in alignment and anatomy to grow your practice?
Most yoga classes do not teach the Fundamentals so you can practice for years without a strong foundation.
As modern yoga classes became “all levels”, new students missed the opportunity to learn the fundamentals that build a sustainable practice. For years, I taught “Yoga 101” at studios. It was a good start but a 2-hour workshop is simultaneously too much and not enough.
Without a strong foundation, repetitive stress injuries are common. Students feel like they’re lost, behind, or “not good” because they haven’t learned the how and the why behind the practice and the poses. Eventually, students hit a wall and practice becomes less satisfying because they don’t know where to go or how to grow.
This 5-week course develops your fundamentals for engaging, re-engaging, or re-invorgating your yoga practice. You’ll learn alignment based on the 5 Elements to make it easier to understand, feel, and remember. The poses will be broken down by categories (standing poses, hip-openers, balance poses) to create clarity and confidence about what to do and why in any given pose.
With Virtual Yoga there has never been a better time or format to fine-tune your fundamentals. You practice from the comfort of your home. All classes are recorded so you can revisit and review. The course comes with tutorials that you can watch on your own schedule.
The Fundamentals of Yoga Course Includes
Recorded Classes
In the recorded classes, Alison teaches a small group and highlights the videos of actual students. Alison sits, watches and teaches to provide precise alignment instructions and verbal adjustments.
Questions about the placement of your hands and feet? What does hip-opening even mean? Why backbends are so intense? How do you safely stretch your hamstrings?
In the tutorials, you’ll learn essential alignment principles and receive answers to frequently asked questions.
Resource Archive
Need a refresher in a week or a month? Want to come back and take a class again? All classes, tutorials and resources are stored in your membership area so you can review and revisit.
“You develop your fundamentals, lay a strong foundation, and then you can build a sustainable practice.”
This is a complete yoga primer, with over 12-hours of content, including practices, tutorials, and slides.
(Pssst…. are you a Member? This course is included in the Virtual Library!
What classes are included?
Tutorials Include:
Earth: Feet, Leg and Standing Poses
Learn how to set up your feet for standing poses. Discover how to dance with bunions, flat feet and fallen arches. Practice to strengthen your ankles, stabilize your knees, and open your hips.
Water: Hips, Pelvis, and Hip-Opening Poses
Hips feel more like a cement block than fluid and free like water? This tutorial will teach you how to gently and persistently open your hips. Learn how to counter computer-chair posture, work with low back sensitivities, sciatica, and tight hamstrings.
Fire: Core & More, Forward-Bending Poses
Learn why crunches don’t cut it in yoga. Discover your Deep Core and how it’s available with every breath. Use your core to flex and forward bend safely (in a way your low back will actually love!)
Air: Shoulders & Chest, Back-Bend Poses
Backbends bring energy and vitality to the body. Learn how to open your shoulders and chest (especially if you feel tight or locked up in your upper back) without compromising your lower back or neck.
Space: Breath, Connective Tissue, & Nervous System, Balancing and Flow Poses
Develop your breath and sense of spacious connection by learning about your respiratory diaphragm (the muscle of breathing), connective tissue (fascia) and your nervous system. This is what makes yoga magic (and so much more than poses.)
Summary: Alignment and the 5 Elements
Review the 5 Elements, key takeaways, and how to make alignment easier to understand and actionable.