Once upon a time yoga was....
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”
— Benjamin Franklin
Helllllloooo Practitioners,
Once upon a time, yoga was weird. And everyone was a beginner. During classes, discussion was common, demonstrations were expected, and there was an abundance of education.
Now that yoga is popular, everyone has some experience, classes are all levels, and emphasis is on practice. This is good. Practice puts teachings into the fabric of your body and being. It gets you out of your head and into your physical form. Out of the thinking space and into the feeling place.
AND…. we all - teachers, students, inner explorers - still need opportunities to evolve our understanding and create transformation that carries our practices and communities in new directions and dimensions.
I cherish Padma Studio in Fairfax because there is a strong practice community and a deep desire for learning and growing. When I come to teach, I choose principles to support the studio culture and community. Here’s what we’ll be focusing on when I’m there next week 4/21 - 4/25.
Bony Landmarks & Bandhas Masterclass: It’s hard to put into words how rich this is. You’ll learn the “core 4” bony landmarks and how to “body scan” with these mile markers. The bony landmarks are grounding and stabilizing. Bandhas create lightness and lift. With both, a cohesive awareness emerges. You see connection and flow that’s inside of you, not based on what you do.
Theory of Therapeutics Workshop: learn how I think about therapeutics. Not cookie cutter answers, but a process of inquiry you can use for ANY client/student/situation, plus tried and true poses/practices that I’ve relied on for 15 years (because they’re so effective). If you’re not a teacher, you can use this for your own body, to make your personal practice a healing art.
I’ll also be teaching public classes: Saturday 4/22 8:30am, Monday 4/24 12pm, Tuesday 4/25 9:30am. We’ll build on the Bony Landmarks Master Class.
Being back together, breathing and moving, learning, growing and transforming is precious. I hope to see you.
May your practice bring evolution and transformation,